Alan Partridge Wiki
Alan Partridge Wiki

Chris Morris was news anchor of On the Hour and The Day Today.


Brash and confrontational, Chris Morris would let nothing get in the way of The News. He frequently interrupted Alan Partridge, tripping him up with several series of arkward questions live on air. He constantly insulted Collaterlie Sisters, at one time demanding the production crew to "take her off the monitor, I don't want to see her face" (with his microphone still live), and berated hapless economics correspoondant Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan. Chris was also a homophobe, stating that "we wouldn't employ a homosexual", on account of Colin Poppshed supposedly not being homosexual.

He once made studio guest Janet Breen, the organiser of a charity jam festival, break down in tears live on air when he criticised her for hoping to raise a "pathetic" £1,500. He claimed that the only reason she did it was "to make [herself] look important", and that she could "raise more money by sitting outside a tube station [...] even if you were twice as ugly as you are, which is very ugly indeed". Morris even went as far as to provoke a war between Australia and Hong Kong for the purposes of coverage on The Day Today. When interviewee Matthew Krean refused to follow a particular line of questioning, Morris stormed out of the studio.

Despite Morris's treatment of other people, he did have a softer side - often flirting with Valerie Sinatra and the beginning and end of her travel news segments.
